An Argument or Discussion

An Argument or Discussion, a choice is yours!

Having an argument in daily life is human nature. In any argument you may be disappointed at the end but not in the discussion. So prefer to have discussion, not an argument. 

A discussion is an exchange of knowledge with the cool open mind but in the argument, we exchange ego, ignorance with the hot close mind. An argument between two close friends doesn’t show a lack of respect or love. It is simply a disagreement to prove who is right. Sometimes in fact only reason, we get frustrated with people and argue with them is because we care about them, isn’t it! Which is why we need to remember not to get too carried away by that. 

Most arguments caused by a misunderstanding of proving that “I am Right” and always right attitude. 

But remember one thing, more and more arguments you win in daily life than less/fewer friends you have. At the same time, any relationship with no arguments is nothing but a relationship with lots of secrets. 

You can settle any argument if you know the following,,,,,,

ARGUMENT= finding out WHO is right,

DISCUSSION=finding out WHAT is right

Don’t raise your voice but improve your argument …..then it will turn into a cool debate. 

Scripted by Shiv Pandey