A simple “Life”

A simple “Life”:

If you see and really think about life; then you will find that initially “Life” is really very simple, to begin with, but we only make it complicated by all the choices we make throughout the life. It is like a computer system which functions based on various kind of software you install on it.

Enjoy those little things throughout the life.. otherwise, one fine day you will look back and then realize that, those were really big things you missed to enjoy in first place.

  • Life is also about learning to Love what you have.
  • Your choices.
  • Your actions.
  • Your Life.

The way we choose to see the world, it then creates the world we see around us.

At the end,

Live the life you love. But don’t forget…to Love the life you live.

Life is about living happy.

Time is incredible, it does not wait for anything, so if you don’t do right things in right time you will miss many things.

There are five “L”s which are very important.

But to live you need to “Leave” many bad things.

  • To live you need to “Love” good things.
  • To live you need to “Learn” good things.
  • To live you need to “Lift” yourself.
  • To live you need to “Live” your life.


  1. Life  is a Gift, happily accept it.
  2. Life is a thrill, fearlessly dare it.
  3. Life is a puzzle, unfold it.
  4. Life is a game, play it.
  5. Life is struggles, face it.
  6. Life is an opportunity, catch it.
  7. Life is beautiful, enjoy it.
  8. Life is a mission, fulfill it.
  9. Life is series of experience, mature from it.
  10. Life is a lesson, learn it.
  11. Life is a journey, go through it.
  12. Life is like an Ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.
  13. Life is the candle, give light to others.
  14. Life is an action movie, play yours right.
  15. Life is full of ups and downs, ride it like a rollercoaster.
  16. Life is a Holly Book, make it spiritual.

Look forward …  Step forward

Taking a step forward even it is small baby step is better than remain at the same place and achieve nothing. Taking two steps forward and one step back has a gain of at least one step. 

Fear of failure or have no courage to take a step forward cost more. 

The wrong action will lead you somewhere but no action lead you nowhere. In most cases “Fear” is your real enemy… If the enemy is outside, something can be done but if it is inside you, it is only you who can do something to defeat or fight that fear. By taking the calculated risk; you may lose some and can gain some but not taking the risk, you will lose more. If nothing else you will learn a lesson out of taking the risk. Even Babies learn to walk by taking a step forward. 

Remember,,, every good step in the right direction towards your dream today, is the step away from regret tomorrow. Your steps set the direction for better tomorrow. Believe in good in you. 

The winner is not the one who never fail but the one who never quit.