Illusions of Money Power

Illusions of Money Power ??

It is good to have money and all the great things money can buy. Often we should remind ourselves to also check to see that you haven’t lost anything that money can’t buy. Similarly, if you want to feel wealthy then count the things you have that money can’t buy. 

  • Nice Bed but not sound sleep,
  • Expensive watch but not an extra moment for a life,
  • Luxury items but not a true comfort,
  • Cosmetic but not real Beauty,
  • Big house but not Home,
  • Good food but not good appetite,
  • Computer but not the smart brain. 
  • Medicine but not the sound health,
  • Buy votes but not real power of democracy,
  • Servant but not the real co-operation/help.
  • Money attract friends (mostly fake)but still cannot buy family you can count on. 
  • Acquaintances/association but not the real friends,
  • Education but not the knowledge,
  • Obedience but not the fidelity, 
  • Amusement but not the lasting happiness! 
  • Money can buy all material things but not the inner peace.
  • Money neither can make men, a father nor can make a woman, a mother.

Most interestingly,

Money attracts money but still cannot satisfy greed for money in some people. 

Scripted by Shiv Pandey ?