The tendency of unhappiness

The tendency of unhappiness in people

In our daily living, the happiness is something we all strive to achieve. People who are not able to handle life situations very well then make their life difficult. Sometimes the inability to come out of various problems gives setback and sadness, these can pull you towards the darkness of unhappy life. Most importantly the real unhappiness is nothing but our decision to how we choose to live our lives.

People with average or above average happiness do not complain much in their lives and those people also do not use frequent excuses for their failures/problems. Instead, these people take their problems as a challenge and move forward to convert those challenges into the success. 

On the other side, constant complainers always look for a way to find the problem even in good situations and spread the negative vibrations around them. 

Happiness is something we all have inside us so we have to discover that inward instead of looking outward in material life. Hence don’t get trapped into an illusion of life but actual happiness comes from an understanding of the reality of life.

We are the architect of our own personality and our image. We all have various types of circumstances good-bad, happy moments – bad moments, like-unlike, favorable-unfavorable, desired-undesired but whatever these situations are, they are ours, either we cherish them or face them. These are either end result of our good work or consequence of bad or sometimes it is just a plain bad luck. Accept these and find a solution to the problem or enjoy the moments of good results of your hard work. 

Fear of failure, fear of not able to achieve the unrealistic desire. Constant worrying about the future keeps you unhappy.

Feeling good and happy are the right we all deserve but making it good is our responsibility, no one else does it for you so why not accept the challenge and make it good/happy.

Believe it or not, no one in this world has everything they want. There is always something lacking in our lives. Why not understand these differences and true reality of life?  Take center stage in your life… the right way….and live a positive life.

In other words, happy people focus on what they have, and unhappy people focus on what’s lacking/missing. Don’t undervalue what you have and overvalue what other’s have. Everyone is unique.

  • Don’t regret your past.
  • Don’t live in the past.
  • Don’t daydream or worry about future.

Instead, learn from your past and use it as guidance to improve and live in present, so your future self will automatically love you for the good fruits. While exercising the full potential of God given strength, ability, a gift of expertise, make your God-given existence more empowered and meaningfully happier.

  • Don’t expand your fear.
  • Don’t expand your negativity.
  • Don’t expand your grudges.
  • Don’t expand your jealousy.
  • Don’t expand your cruelty.
  • Don’t expand your bad.
  • Don’t expand your problems.
  • Don’t expand your unhappiness.

Instead, expand your positivity and success.

Change your focus. Redefine your priorities positively and enjoy the different results!……..a true happiness from re-engineering of inner engineering.