Karma, God, and Prayers

Karma, God, and Prayers

One of the unique understanding in Hinduism is that God is not far away, living in a remote beautiful heaven, but Hindu believe that God is inside each and every soul, in everyone’s heart and consciousness, waiting to be discovered. This knowing and the profound feelings that God is always with us gives us hope and courage. Knowing the one almighty God in this faithful and empirical way is the ultimate goal of Hindu spirituality.

But most importantly we all want to understand how almighty God answer to our prayers! Many times it is very difficult to see and understand His response. It is really a big confusion.

In some case, we need to understand Karma. Karma is the real universal principle of cause and it’s effect. Our own actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future, helping us to learn from life’s real lessons and become a better person. Karma is one of the natural law of our mind. The process of action and its reaction at all levels –physical, mental and spiritual –is karma. It is the Devine system of justice which is self-governing and infinitely fair but its fruits are sometimes difficult to understand. It automatically creates the appropriate future course of experience in response to your current action. Thus we create our own destiny through our daily thought and action. Karma is basically an energy. It throws energy out through thoughts, words, and actions, and it comes back to a person, in time, by other means or through other people. Karma is our best teacher and guru, for we must always face the consequences of our past actions and thus improve and refine our future actions, or suffer if we do not. More we control our mind and think, it impacts our Karma, mind creates thoughts, thoughts create action – good, bad or mixed.

Sometimes your Karma will put you in such situation that you may need to turn towards God through your prayers. You want to connect with God. Even true devotees think sometimes that Almighty God does not answer their true prayers. He does answer but silently, through His own laws. God knows all His true devotees, doesn’t matter in what form they love Him….and He answers their prayers in many ways. The real Devotion shown to God always evokes some form of mysterious but interesting response. No true devotee is ignored by God. People think omnipresent God doesn’t respond to their sincere prayers because they don’t understand easily that God sometimes answers differently from what they expect or ask for.

A prayer that is strong, sincere and deep will definitely receive God’s answer. Maybe not right then but at one time or another, interestingly everyone has found some desire fulfilled through prayer.

When your will is very strong it touches the Mother and the Mother wills that your desire be fulfilled.

Sometimes He answers by dropping a thought in the mind of another person who can then fulfill your desire or need; that individual then serves as God’s instrument to bring about the desired result.

Sometimes it is very good that we do not receive what we think, we wish for. A  small child may want to touch a burning flame, but to save it from harm the mother does not grant the child’s wish.

There are two ways in which our desire can be taken care of. One is the material. For example, when we have ill and poor health we then can go to a doctor for medical treatment. But a time comes when no man-made aid can help. Then and only then, we look at the other way, towards the Spiritual Power, the real Maker of our body, mind, and soul. Material power is really limited, and when it fails, we then turn to the powerful Divine Power. Likewise with our financial needs; when we have done our best, and still it is inadequate, we turn to that other Power.…

When we are hit with real difficulties, first we react it by making whatever material adjustments we believe may initially help. But when we come to the point of saying, “Everything I have tried so far is not working and has failed; what to do next, I’m lost?” we start to think very hard about a real solution. What to do! When we peacefully think deeply enough, we really find an answer within. This is one form of answered prayer.

Almighty God can understand our sincere small prayers even when we can not find the words to say them. But you need to remember that you cannot expect to erase the consequence of your bad Karma with the power of prayers as a bandage to cover it all the time. Power and energy of Karma and prayers can not complement each other but both works.

A subsistent inner profound and peaceful happiness unconditioned by any external influence is an evident proof of the responding presence of God.

He will definitely answer your prayer. A joy and peace will strike your heart. When that comes, you will really know that you are connected with God, you will also know that you’re finally communing with God.

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