Balancing Emotion

Balancing Emotion

Why should we aspire for emotional balance?

Stressful situations and being busy in our daily lives can often cause us problems. Sometimes it is tough to carry all these busy lives burdens on our own shoulders and some people choose to avoid or suppress their problems while others knowingly or unknowingly attached to them. When dealing with these situations we need to have emotional balance, this may sound quite abstract but true.
Good emotional balance has the power to improve our happiness and relationships. It can also even help us healthy and impact big ways on our well being. In real life, the problem starts to appear when we try to continuously mask our emotions and then forget about them altogether. Over time it impacts us and damage start to appear inside us and emotions start to bubble up.

However, oftentimes it’s easy to forget how important it is to keep our emotions in a balanced state. Overwhelming stress in this modern lifestyle can send our emotions boosting into overdrive. Coping with that stress and learning to the best way to manage it, therefore, can help regulate our day to day emotions. You should learn how to cope with stressful situations and if you are not in control of your stress then quickly it will start to take over you. So much tension and wasted energy are spent repressing or denying how we feel, both emotionally and in our bodies.

When we are faced with any unpleasant situations we naturally react with sudden anger, worry, fear, anxiety, etc. Having emotional balance helps us to attain needed flexibility and hence promotes stabilization between our mind and our own body. In other words, emotional balance teaches us how to respond to unwanted negative emotions and thoughts without just getting stuck in them. It is important to know and apply this in order to increase your quality of sleep, concentration, consciousness, motivation, happiness and hence the overall quality of life.
Only the real attitude of gratitude has the power to change your real emotional state.

Sometimes changing your focus from one situation to another can help ease and gain control over emotion.
Real regulation of unwanted emotion and distress tolerance skills can help people to promote the required emotional balance. Regulation of emotion means identifying and realizing that emotion and take the necessary actions to deal with whatever the situation is. For example, lessen the real tension of emotion by engaging in some interesting activities like meditation, yoga and breathing exercises, etc.

Distress tolerance means accepting the discomfort and learning to manage the short term pain. It increases your coping capacity. Remember nothing is permanent in life… everything changes as time goes. This kind of break and change in focus gives some extra time to think about the solution, which can be less stressful.
No one’s life is perfect. So life does not just consist of happy and joyful moments, there are also some sad, fearful and painful situations. The important part is to know how you can handle these unexpected negative events and how not to allow them to take over you and affect your emotions.

So, hope this article can be helpful when you feel stressed and take life as it comes. Develop the ability to re-balance yourself whenever you experience strong emotions. Hopefully, you will be able to move through emotion next time and start trusting yourself again. That newfound trust shows that you can really take care of yourself and you can manage to work through emotions in a way that feels good.

In the end, don’t forget to enjoy life like a roller coaster ride!!