Hinduism as mythology !!!!! Is it true or false!!!

Hinduism as mythology !!!!! Is it true or false!!!

Don’t know then read below,
Very often we use words called myth or mythology along with Hindu religion. But do you know that you are using “Myth”, which is a big disrespect to your own religion? Indirectly you are saying Hindu religion is all false. It is explained to us that mythology is true to the core of religion by westerners but it is rightly explained to you!!!!

Most religions contain a body of traditional sacred stories that are believed to express profound truth. Some religious organizations and practitioners believe that some or all of their traditional stories are not only sacred and “true” but also historically accurate and divinely revealed and that calling such stories “myths” disrespects their special status. Other religious organizations and practitioners have no problem with categorizing their sacred stories as myths.

The roots of the actual meaning of “myth” Especially within Christianity, objection to the word “myth” rests on a historical basis. By the time of Christ, the Greco-Roman world had started to use the term “myth” (Greek muthos) to mean “fable, fiction, lie” as a result, the early Christian theologians used “myth” in this sense. Thus, the derogatory meaning of the word “myth” is the traditional Christian meaning, and the expression “Christian mythology”, as used in academic discourse, may offend Christians for this reason.
In addition, this early Christian use of the term “myth” passed into popular usage. Thus, when essential sacred mysteries and teachings are described as a myth, in modern English, the word often still implies that it is “idle fancy, fiction, or falsehood”. This description could be taken as a direct attack on religious belief.
This is how the use of words “myth” started historically and then being widely used in modern times to describe various aspects of Hinduism. However it is not being used for other major religions anymore but still in used to describe Hinduism. Let’s see the Ramayan, Puranas, Upanishads, Bhagwat Gita, etc. sacred texts as indeed containing religious truths, divinely inspired but delivered in the language of mankind.

Is Hinduism stories fictitious or lie???

These are some of the meanings of “Myth” in various dictionaries.

  • a widely held but false belief or idea.
  • a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature.
  • an unproved or false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution.
  • any fictitious story or unscientific story, theory, beliefs etc.
  • a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence
  • an unfounded or false notion

Next time explain this to the person who uses mythology to explain Hinduism. Tell them it is not a myth but real.