Balancing Emotion

Balancing Emotion

Why should we aspire for emotional balance?

Stressful situations and being busy in our daily lives can often cause us problems. Sometimes it is tough to carry all these busy lives burdens on our own shoulders and some people choose to avoid or suppress their problems while others knowingly or unknowingly attached to them. When dealing with these situations we need to have emotional balance, this may sound quite abstract but true.
Good emotional balance has the power to improve our happiness and relationships. It can also even help us healthy and impact big ways on our well being. In real life, the problem starts to appear when we try to continuously mask our emotions and then forget about them altogether. Over time it impacts us and damage start to appear inside us and emotions start to bubble up.

However, oftentimes it’s easy to forget how important it is to keep our emotions in a balanced state. Overwhelming stress in this modern lifestyle can send our emotions boosting into overdrive. Coping with that stress and learning to the best way to manage it, therefore, can help regulate our day to day emotions. You should learn how to cope with stressful situations and if you are not in control of your stress then quickly it will start to take over you. So much tension and wasted energy are spent repressing or denying how we feel, both emotionally and in our bodies.

When we are faced with any unpleasant situations we naturally react with sudden anger, worry, fear, anxiety, etc. Having emotional balance helps us to attain needed flexibility and hence promotes stabilization between our mind and our own body. In other words, emotional balance teaches us how to respond to unwanted negative emotions and thoughts without just getting stuck in them. It is important to know and apply this in order to increase your quality of sleep, concentration, consciousness, motivation, happiness and hence the overall quality of life.
Only the real attitude of gratitude has the power to change your real emotional state.

Sometimes changing your focus from one situation to another can help ease and gain control over emotion.
Real regulation of unwanted emotion and distress tolerance skills can help people to promote the required emotional balance. Regulation of emotion means identifying and realizing that emotion and take the necessary actions to deal with whatever the situation is. For example, lessen the real tension of emotion by engaging in some interesting activities like meditation, yoga and breathing exercises, etc.

Distress tolerance means accepting the discomfort and learning to manage the short term pain. It increases your coping capacity. Remember nothing is permanent in life… everything changes as time goes. This kind of break and change in focus gives some extra time to think about the solution, which can be less stressful.
No one’s life is perfect. So life does not just consist of happy and joyful moments, there are also some sad, fearful and painful situations. The important part is to know how you can handle these unexpected negative events and how not to allow them to take over you and affect your emotions.

So, hope this article can be helpful when you feel stressed and take life as it comes. Develop the ability to re-balance yourself whenever you experience strong emotions. Hopefully, you will be able to move through emotion next time and start trusting yourself again. That newfound trust shows that you can really take care of yourself and you can manage to work through emotions in a way that feels good.

In the end, don’t forget to enjoy life like a roller coaster ride!!

Training your courage….. emotional courage.

Training your courage….. emotional courage.

Many situations in life call upon us to do something we find frightening, disappointing, uneasy, nervousness, provoking, or distressing, in other words, to display emotional courage by stepping outside our sweet comfort zones and do what we know is right or healthy despite the agitation we feel. Unfortunately, our natural inclination in such moments is to avoid the situation or hesitate, or to find excuses and justifications that allow us a graceful and sometimes, not-so-graceful exit, so we, again and again, continue to avoid the situation.

The problem with continuous avoidance is that it always comes with a unique price. Anytime we avoid something that makes us nervous, that very thing automatically becomes intimidating in our minds. Further, many of these things we avoided so far, end up having an impact on our careers, relationships, or friendships because we are unable to voice our concerns or disapproval or to ask for a promotion, or we end up using our own mental and emotional resources dealing with unresolved remorse or regret. In addition, continuous avoidance weakens our emotional bouncing back and it prevents us from growing and reaching our own full potential.
Tackling or dealing with these difficult hurdles requires emotional courage but what does that really mean? Having emotional courage is actually different than being emotionally strong.

Interestingly emotional strength reflects our own ability on how quickly we bounce back from setbacks and challenges over the period of the short and long term. An emotional courage is about a brief moment, a crucial and a critical instant in which we take an action–we choose to caution our own confidence or convictions, beliefs, and clear intentions and do what we know in our mind is good for us, instead of heeding our own fears and nervousness and continuing to avoid the situation.

In professional lives, It is about achieving good results, it is about leading your team in difficult situations and to do that…. it is hard. It is about doing it from the front with courage in the right spirit. It is about whether you’re really willing to experience that discomfort, risk, and own doubt of saying or doing it. In other words, the most critical challenge of leadership is emotional courage. If you are willing to feel everything, then you can actually do anything. It is about handling difficult situations without sacrificing professional ground. By building that mental state of mind, the courage to say the absolutely necessary but difficult things, you become a stronger leader.

Apparently, any kind of leadership looks very straightforward, but how many people actually lead? The actual gap between theory and real-life practice is huge. Believe it or not, emotional courage is what bridges that distance. It’s what sets great leaders apart from the rest of the crowd. Once you practice courageously, It will start to give you results. It cuts through the interfering distractions, the noise, and the politics to solve problems and get things done.

  • Have the courage to speak up when others remain mute.
  • Be stable mentally and grounded in an uncertain situation.
  • Responding productively to opposition without losing your focus or getting defensive.
  • Skillfully handling people who push back.
  • Raising hard-to-talk-about issues in a way that others agree to address them.
  • Showing up in critical leadership moments with confidence.

Emotional courage means we are willing to connect to all aspects of ourselves and feel and deal with whatever comes up tactfully.

The Volunteers, precious assets of the community.

The Volunteers, precious assets of the community.

In this modern lifestyle of hustle and bustle, most of the people are just concerned about themselves and looks extremely self-centric! But on the other side, there are several kind-hearted souls, who are taking the step forward to contribute towards the lives of the underprivileged ones, and if the idea of volunteering for an organization is already on your mind, then why wait… take your first step and connect with them and do your part of kindness. Look around, and see yourself that just how much our world needs more volunteers. There are so many great reasons to be a volunteer, it’ll inspire you to take a leap of kindness.

No work is small, and volunteers are extremely valuable resources for any organization. Whether it’s about mental, financial or physical contribution – everything together matters a lot and can do a miracle in somebody’s life. Being a volunteer, you can directly get involved with a noble work for a noble cause in serving those who need your care and affection. This would also be a great chance for you to know that not everyone in this world is born lucky, and you’re really needed to stand by a few of them, if not all.

Depending on where you decide to focus your heartfelt volunteering efforts, you can make a real difference in the lives of those who the organization serves. These various efforts build up various elements that make up an entire community. It can be supported to families, improve schools, community health, and support youth.
Believe it or not, but giving your valuable time for a Nobel cause does wonder for your physical and mental health. Your stress levels are actually reduced and your mood improves. By focusing your efforts on improving others’ lives, you’re more likely to lift your own emotions to the next positive level and , decrease your tension which means less stress and a happier you. What else you need, isn’t it??

Volunteering helps you learn various interesting things about people and cultures which lead to your personal and professional growth. Volunteers often discover their own hidden talent and passion which directly improves their self-confidence.
If an organization you know, has helped someone that you love, then giving back in the form of volunteering is a very generous, thoughtful, valuable way to show appreciation. With busy lives, it can be sometimes hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous.

Giving to others can also help you protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide actual sense of purpose.

Volunteering offers vital help to those people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the actual volunteer. While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness. Every volunteer can make an impactful difference. Don’t underestimate your own potential. No matter how small your steps are, you actually have the potential to make a big difference!

The heart of volunteers can not be measured by size but by the depth of commitment to make a difference in the life of others. Then why wait…. go out and connect as a volunteer to experience another good reason for your life…. because wherever there is a human being there is always an opportunity for kindness.

Karma, God, and Prayers

Karma, God, and Prayers

One of the unique understanding in Hinduism is that God is not far away, living in a remote beautiful heaven, but Hindu believe that God is inside each and every soul, in everyone’s heart and consciousness, waiting to be discovered. This knowing and the profound feelings that God is always with us gives us hope and courage. Knowing the one almighty God in this faithful and empirical way is the ultimate goal of Hindu spirituality.

But most importantly we all want to understand how almighty God answer to our prayers! Many times it is very difficult to see and understand His response. It is really a big confusion.

In some case, we need to understand Karma. Karma is the real universal principle of cause and it’s effect. Our own actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future, helping us to learn from life’s real lessons and become a better person. Karma is one of the natural law of our mind. The process of action and its reaction at all levels –physical, mental and spiritual –is karma. It is the Devine system of justice which is self-governing and infinitely fair but its fruits are sometimes difficult to understand. It automatically creates the appropriate future course of experience in response to your current action. Thus we create our own destiny through our daily thought and action. Karma is basically an energy. It throws energy out through thoughts, words, and actions, and it comes back to a person, in time, by other means or through other people. Karma is our best teacher and guru, for we must always face the consequences of our past actions and thus improve and refine our future actions, or suffer if we do not. More we control our mind and think, it impacts our Karma, mind creates thoughts, thoughts create action – good, bad or mixed.

Sometimes your Karma will put you in such situation that you may need to turn towards God through your prayers. You want to connect with God. Even true devotees think sometimes that Almighty God does not answer their true prayers. He does answer but silently, through His own laws. God knows all His true devotees, doesn’t matter in what form they love Him….and He answers their prayers in many ways. The real Devotion shown to God always evokes some form of mysterious but interesting response. No true devotee is ignored by God. People think omnipresent God doesn’t respond to their sincere prayers because they don’t understand easily that God sometimes answers differently from what they expect or ask for.

A prayer that is strong, sincere and deep will definitely receive God’s answer. Maybe not right then but at one time or another, interestingly everyone has found some desire fulfilled through prayer.

When your will is very strong it touches the Mother and the Mother wills that your desire be fulfilled.

Sometimes He answers by dropping a thought in the mind of another person who can then fulfill your desire or need; that individual then serves as God’s instrument to bring about the desired result.

Sometimes it is very good that we do not receive what we think, we wish for. A  small child may want to touch a burning flame, but to save it from harm the mother does not grant the child’s wish.

There are two ways in which our desire can be taken care of. One is the material. For example, when we have ill and poor health we then can go to a doctor for medical treatment. But a time comes when no man-made aid can help. Then and only then, we look at the other way, towards the Spiritual Power, the real Maker of our body, mind, and soul. Material power is really limited, and when it fails, we then turn to the powerful Divine Power. Likewise with our financial needs; when we have done our best, and still it is inadequate, we turn to that other Power.…

When we are hit with real difficulties, first we react it by making whatever material adjustments we believe may initially help. But when we come to the point of saying, “Everything I have tried so far is not working and has failed; what to do next, I’m lost?” we start to think very hard about a real solution. What to do! When we peacefully think deeply enough, we really find an answer within. This is one form of answered prayer.

Almighty God can understand our sincere small prayers even when we can not find the words to say them. But you need to remember that you cannot expect to erase the consequence of your bad Karma with the power of prayers as a bandage to cover it all the time. Power and energy of Karma and prayers can not complement each other but both works.

A subsistent inner profound and peaceful happiness unconditioned by any external influence is an evident proof of the responding presence of God.

He will definitely answer your prayer. A joy and peace will strike your heart. When that comes, you will really know that you are connected with God, you will also know that you’re finally communing with God.

Why forget bad memories is good!

Why forget bad memory is a good thing?

We have all been hurt, not once but many times. But the most important is what you do with that unpleasantly hurtful situation is probably more important than the actual hurt itself. Feelings don’t die easily because we keep feeding it with all kind of memories. We all want to live happily, healthy and nicely, and at the same time we all have bad memories. But to make your life worth living for a good cause, you need good quality time. Of course, the quality of any experience always depends on how well it sits in our memory if it was good experience it will give happiness and if it was unpleasant experience then it will give sadness. Forget your bad memories because that’s the easiest and the simplest way to be happy. That’s forgetting all the pains of the past, it will make you painless going forward and will make you even stronger than yesterday. In other words, don’t regret the past but regret the time you have spent doing the wrong thing and the wrong company of the people. At the end, whatever it was; you need to forget that time, learn from it and prepare yourself and have faith for better future.

Due to the bad experience of past we usually have the feeling of grudges, sustain the feelings for fear of betrayal. Oftentimes people express the bad experience as negative and justify it do the blame game. We shelter hurtful experience as words spoken by others towards us and rage our response to life after them.We keep on blaming others for our hurt is what most of us immediately start doing. Somebody somewhere did something wrong to us. We want them to acknowledge their wrongdoing, and then expect them to regret and apologize. All those feelings are OK but we need to forget them, forgive those and move on. Harboring your grumble indefinitely is a bad habit because it hurts you more than it hurts them.

Today’s moments are tomorrow’s memory, so always try to make it good and live good moments in its present time. That way it will make your past, present and future, all good. Forgetting your past with bad memories will free up your time so you can use it to think about doing good positive things. Start doing something new which energize you, motivates you positively, make you happy, make you healthy and doing these will help you make some new good memories. These new activities will help divert your focus from old to new found things.

Forget what hurts you but most importantly don’t forget what it taught you. 

  • Whatever makes you feel bad…discard it.
  • Whatever makes you feel happy…keep it, treasure it.


  • Good time gives
  • Good memory, bad time gives
  • Good lesson.

A repeated reminder of bad memory can make you forget thousand good ones.Allow yourself to have profound faith, to believe and to regain trust. Don’t allow few bad things or bad memories of past to stop you to live significantly quality life.

Peaceful mind peaceful life

Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life

In today’s life style which has become very fast, busy with all kind of noise. That noise then takes away your peace. Do you often feel pressed on,  distressed, unsatisfied, pulled on to unnecessary things, pushed into unwanted situations, compressed, unfocused or twisted? That’s what actually stress does to us. It twists our way of life and our view of life. We don’t always make the right and sound calls when we’re under stressed and weary. We all know that our current state of life style is not always conducive to peaceful living and existence.  False ego, cruelty, revenge, anger, grudge, resentment, and guilt are often at the core of our daily actions, and for many people, this has become the norm. Our society, in general, can dictate to us that we have to be hyperactive, hypocrite, compassionless, greedy, emotionless beings in order to test the success in life, and we then often forget about the peaceful, kindness, being real, honest, loving components in our daily lives that really matter. Most importantly the first step towards a more peaceful existence is simply being aware of the change you want to create. When we are aware and present to how we’d like to be, that is when we are able to truly distinct at our ideals. 

Take a look at the following steps towards peaceful living and notice what you can incorporate for your well-being and for the peace and happiness of those around you.

Inner-reengineering through self-introspection. Looking inward inside you is one of the best re-engineering ones can do to achieve outer peace. Those turbulent waves are only on the surface. But Deep down within you, the essence of who you actually are is calm and serene. Practicing daily meditation and being in alignment with one’s true soul will build a solid foundation for peacefulness. Sit in the silence and deep breathe and notice what you become aware of. Your inner voice will guide you in your life. Take some time out from your busy schedule to really understand the peaceful life you are meant to be living.

Being compassionate in your decision reflects lot about you. The compassionate decision says a lot about you, it says you are aware of others and think about other’s situation. Compassion is kind of good understanding you develop for others. Having Compassion will stop you to bad things, stop you to do harm to others and in return you attain peace. 

Forgive others who hurt you in the past. There is no point in holding bad feelings. There is no need to have intense desire to take revenge. Just let it go and you carry on with doing good things in life. 

Developing love and kindness to all beings is a good way towards a more peaceful world. Be aware of one thing, remember to treat others as you would like to be treated. What you put out in the world, one day you will receive in your own life. Be the change you want in others and set an example. 

Allow it to happen what is in this moment. Consistently having a strong desire that your life was different or in such a way, actually in some way promotes unease, iteration, and distress. Be willing to see the lessons of your life in the now and not focus on the “what if’s kind of conditions”. 

Make peace with your disturbing past to live in present but peacefully.

Don’t find excuses as a reason for frequent failures. You must let life flow naturally with right patience and the right spirit. We should stop pushing for the change instead, we let go of our expectations and allow it to unfold freely.

Don’t live in you constantly comparing yourself to others.

Time heals everything. Have patience. Give the time, let it unfold naturally. 

  • If you’re feeling depressed you’re living in the past.
  • If you feeling anxious, you’re unnecessarily worrying too much about future.
  • If you are at the peace then you are living the present.

Nurture your soul in a good way


Refresh your good spirit in you. 

Path of Acceptance

Unconditional Acceptance in life

All negativity is caused by the accumulation of continuous denial of real facts of life and trying to control something on which you do not have any real power. Acceptance of reality is a real key to stop suffering from intangible emotional pain. People who live in continual denial create suffering for themselves by not accepting the reality. Life is a journey, it never stops teaching you. We too have to be aware that during this journey of life many thing changes, some changes as per our wish and some change against our expectations. So acknowledging the real change is allowing it to happen naturally when it unfolds; instead of approaching that change from a place of continuous denial and resistance.

Often times we have seen people are trying to change something which is impossible or trying to find the solution for the impossible or going after something which is impossible. It is most probably something for which you no need to find a solution for or go after for, rather it is a real truth to be accepted.

But our relationship to change can be either better or worse. We can use change well or we can be mystifying and distressed by a change. We can grow or disappear. The choice is yours. 

Believe it or not, acceptance, tolerance, forgiving and then forgetting someone’s mistake, practicing compassion in our daily living are life altering lessons. 

Accept the reality of life, more earlier you realize this, more early you will attain peace and satisfaction. So whatever the present moments is there to offer, accept it and work with it; not against it. This will have an extraordinarily incredible impact on transforming your life in a good way.

Acceptance doesn’t necessarily mean that we agree with everything happening around us or that we believe it must continue. Also, it’s not the same as our helplessness. Acceptance is also not about accepting our weakness but turning that into the strength instead of surrendering to weakness. Acceptance doesn’t mean you disapprove the situation, it also doesn’t mean you are giving up or being unresisting. 

Once you learn and master the real Art of Accepting the things for which the way they are, life gets easier and happier. Acceptance opens up choices and then choose to act accordingly. 

People often resist and try to stop the change, resist the condition, resist the situation and then it becomes your behavior; instead, accept the change, condition, and situation then move on. Instead of resisting the change, allow change to unfold naturally and try to understand what’s really transforming and why. Don’t manipulate the things according to your convenience and need but accept it in its real form. What you deny and ignore in daily living, you delay many things but if you accept and go with it, you win.

However, circumstances will not really turn out the way you want them to be; and it’s perfectly all ok. In fact hugging and accepting the situation can help you deal with the change effectively. So why not make the necessary shifts in your life to welcome and embrace the change, and help you move forward after that.

Don’t make yourself senseless to trials and challenges and also you will not gain anything if you escape from pain and difficulties so why live in denial, hence accept it and move on to achieve success. 

  • Time does not heal everything.
  • But
  • Acceptance after the realization of most situation can heal everything.

Happiness can exist only in acceptance; not in denial.

The change is inevitable so use it for your progress but certainly, for that, you have to

  • embrace it,
  • acknowledge it,
  • accept it
  • and allow it to unfold naturally.

Loneliness reassessed

Loneliness reassessed 

Believe it or not, you will find the different stages/level or different kind of loneliness during the life. Loneliness is painful. Loneliness is not just about being lonely or having too fewer friends but it is sometimes just a state of mind or thought process of having less than others or lack of something in the lives or being less perfect. But no matter, whatever form it is if the loneliness comes; we need to defeat it and escape from it. 

Loneliness varies from one situation to other and sometimes it is just plain subjective. It also varies from person to person based on individual tolerance level to the situation. 

The reality is, more you feel lonely, the more you feel incompetent and good-for-nothing, then the more you quit believing anyone will ever like or love you, the more you go towards isolation. With that belief of potential rejection or desertion, the lonely person is unable to put their best foot forward with required confidence in any given situation. Hence, quickly loneliness feeds onto itself.

Often times some friends, colleague, relatives are just jealous of your lifestyle and the only way they revenge is by trying to isolate you in social settings. Whoever can not handle that isolation mentally or emotionally, then slowly go towards self-imposed loneliness. 

Sometimes other friends with whom you were hanging out are not having a problem with you but they themselves are feeling loneliness and are not only disconnected from you but from rest of the world. Give them benefits of this kind of situation in their life and reaching out to them can help you both from misunderstanding. 

Find a middle ground to your loneliness. It is highly possible that the same friends or relatives who used to like your company in the past, may continue to like your company in the present time as well but either of you maybe too busy with other priorities in life and are being not in touch lately. If someone is out of touch with you is nothing to do with you. It may be possible that it is their own busy lives, their own competing priorities, stresses/problems or opportunities that led to the “disconnect” between you. So reconnecting can bring that joy back. 

No matter what it is, 

  • Don’t fear rejection.
  • Don’t fear isolation.
  • Don’t fear to bully.


  • Stay positive.
  • Stay ethical.
  • Stay focused.
  • Stay connected.
  • Keep patience
  • Keep peace.
  • Fight insecurity.
  • Fight prolonged outburst of seclusion. 
  • Love yourself.
  • Remove and fix negative view of yourself if any. 
  • Keep your old friends but try to make some new friends too.

Life is too short to waste on suffering from core problems like loneliness and rejection. Instead, Open up, take a chance, take a calculated risk and access the hidden but good part of you that deserves true and loving companions. Heal your wounds. Learn to love yourself and people around you and eliminate that loneliness from your valuable and lovely life!

The tendency of unhappiness

The tendency of unhappiness in people

In our daily living, the happiness is something we all strive to achieve. People who are not able to handle life situations very well then make their life difficult. Sometimes the inability to come out of various problems gives setback and sadness, these can pull you towards the darkness of unhappy life. Most importantly the real unhappiness is nothing but our decision to how we choose to live our lives.

People with average or above average happiness do not complain much in their lives and those people also do not use frequent excuses for their failures/problems. Instead, these people take their problems as a challenge and move forward to convert those challenges into the success. 

On the other side, constant complainers always look for a way to find the problem even in good situations and spread the negative vibrations around them. 

Happiness is something we all have inside us so we have to discover that inward instead of looking outward in material life. Hence don’t get trapped into an illusion of life but actual happiness comes from an understanding of the reality of life.

We are the architect of our own personality and our image. We all have various types of circumstances good-bad, happy moments – bad moments, like-unlike, favorable-unfavorable, desired-undesired but whatever these situations are, they are ours, either we cherish them or face them. These are either end result of our good work or consequence of bad or sometimes it is just a plain bad luck. Accept these and find a solution to the problem or enjoy the moments of good results of your hard work. 

Fear of failure, fear of not able to achieve the unrealistic desire. Constant worrying about the future keeps you unhappy.

Feeling good and happy are the right we all deserve but making it good is our responsibility, no one else does it for you so why not accept the challenge and make it good/happy.

Believe it or not, no one in this world has everything they want. There is always something lacking in our lives. Why not understand these differences and true reality of life?  Take center stage in your life… the right way….and live a positive life.

In other words, happy people focus on what they have, and unhappy people focus on what’s lacking/missing. Don’t undervalue what you have and overvalue what other’s have. Everyone is unique.

  • Don’t regret your past.
  • Don’t live in the past.
  • Don’t daydream or worry about future.

Instead, learn from your past and use it as guidance to improve and live in present, so your future self will automatically love you for the good fruits. While exercising the full potential of God given strength, ability, a gift of expertise, make your God-given existence more empowered and meaningfully happier.

  • Don’t expand your fear.
  • Don’t expand your negativity.
  • Don’t expand your grudges.
  • Don’t expand your jealousy.
  • Don’t expand your cruelty.
  • Don’t expand your bad.
  • Don’t expand your problems.
  • Don’t expand your unhappiness.

Instead, expand your positivity and success.

Change your focus. Redefine your priorities positively and enjoy the different results!……..a true happiness from re-engineering of inner engineering.

Career Cruising Skills

Fifty small but very helpful skills for the career.

The Career cruising skills.

I wish I had developed these skills earlier in my career!

Everyone focuses on primarily required skills for the job they are applying for. There are many other skills also needed to remain in the job and same soft skills are needed to progress and shine in your career. If you’re a new student then it is possible that all these soft skills are not taught in the college they just graduated from. The true value of the soft skills you will only know once you actually start working. Learning these soft skills will be one of the best investment you can do to yourself in career building. Sometimes it is about controlling the use of time which in turn give you the ability to focus or your ability to understand and share the feeling of others. Everyone is the in-charge of their thoughts, so learn to master your own thoughts and ideas.

  1. Good Listening. It avoids miscommunication.
  2. Effective communication. It delivers an impactful message. 
  3. Courteous in manner which create right tone. 
  4. Be flexible. Rapid adoption of new things in ever changing environment
  5. Learning from other’s mistakes. This is the smartest way to learn.
  6. Learning from your own mistake. People who can learn from their own mistakes can do much in life and their career.
  7. Stay away from workplace politics. 
  8. Emotional intelligence. Should be able to handle your over-reaction to any situation smartly.
  9. Appreciate both small and the big achievements.
  10. Work as per the need of the organization.
  11. Think of company’s bottom line in any big decisions.
  12. Ability to resolve misunderstanding or conflict at work.
  13. Teamwork. Ability to understand and solve problems as a team. 
  14. Make ethical choices and decisions. Develop right attitude for a work environment.
  15. Take sound decisions and sometimes bold decision ability. Help your teams and superior in taking right decisions.
  16. Stress management.
  17. Thinking and proposing good ideas.
  18. Cost management. 
  19. Critical thinking, out of the box thinking.
  20. Stay Open minded.
  21. Develop right confidence as progress.
  22. Work efficiency.
  23. Eagerness to learn something new all the time.
  24. Able to work on track for your goal
  25. Able to set measurable and smart goals.
  26. Balancing work priorities
  27. Should be able to effectively manage to multitask if needed.
  28. Work for good results.
  29. Short term and long term planning.
  30. Finance management or understanding of it.
  31. Stop complaining but find another positive way to express your concerns.
  32. Should be able to work extra hours.
  33. Value Commitments.
  34. Time management and time are precious.
  35. Right focus to do work. 
  36. Use of fewer excuses.
  37. It is ok if you don’t know everything but should know the right thing.
  38. Decent dressing sense.
  39. Soft spoken.
  40. Work and personal life balance. Give quality time to your family.
  41. Don’t just work for money but for your good passion.
  42. Learn to take responsibility for your mistake.
  43. Practice honesty at work.
  44. Understand the consequences of obsession.
  45. Don’t run away from your responsibilities.
  46. Practice punctuality.
  47. Develop empathy. Kindness in reaction and understanding.
  48. Request for help at right time. It is not a sign of weakness.
  49. Provide consistent results.
  50. Mind your own business. It is one of the most difficult and hard but once you master, it can be helpful.

Fifty Steps of Life

Fifty Steps of Life

Please read this article in its entirety. You don’t have to agree with everything said below. You may find that some of the thing agreeable and some are thought provoking.

Yes, you can disagree with it. But before you do, think about it and try it out in your life, see if it works for you and makes your life easier, simpler, better. See if make you happier than before. Then decide if you want to keep it in your life or just move on the way you want to live.

If it doesn’t then throw it out.

  1. First of all, have a profound and unshakable faith in the God in all situations.
  2. Be religious. Have a proud of your religion you practice but have respect for all other religions.
  3. Keep moving even though it is slow. Slow progress is much better than no progress. 
  4. Move in the right direction. Setting direction to your movement is better than lost in nowhere.
  5. Set the determination. It doesn’t matter how skillful you are but it is of no help if you’re not determined to do the things.
  6. Have a discipline. Even big powerful army will fail if it doesn’t have consistent discipline in the field.
  7. Have a dedication. No dedication in your work can take you nowhere. You have to give your 100% dedication to have successful results. Put your heart into it.
  8. Learn from mistakes. No one is perfect and no one can do all the things perfectly each and every time. So learning from your mistakes and keep improving should be the motto of your work.
  9. Have a patience. The Patience is one of the required ingredients, having that will give you more time to listen, learn, understand and give you consistent peace.
  10. Try to avoid using unnecessary excuses in daily living for your failures and for not able to do the things. Accept the situation rather than find the excuses.
  11. Get better with time management. More you are better with using your 24 hours a day efficiently, more you will have a good time to achieve your goals.
  12. Give quality time for your family and stand by your families in both their good and bad times, in their ups and down.
  13. Always value and be respectful to your parents and elders. That is the most important thing you can do because your kids learn from you just by watching your care/love towards your parents. What goes around, comes around, isn’t it?
  14. Be slow to anger. Anger make everything bad. So think of consequence before you get angry.
  15. Be honest. Without honesty, you can not win trust from anything.
  16. Remain simple. Real simplicity will save lots of things in life. Just being showman is all outer shell of cosmetic which after sometime falls off anyway.
  17. Remain real. Being real bring trust in any relations.
  18. Intentionally or unintentionally don’t hurt anyone in any form. Hurting someone gives deep wound. 
  19. Stay healthy. Staying healthy bring both physical and emotional fitness.
  20. Always have compassion/kindness in mind while taking/making your decisions.
  21. Be a good listener. Giving your full attention to the subject while listening will bring knowledge, understanding, clarity. 
  22. Be spiritual. Practicing spirituality will make any person and real human being.
  23. Donate your money for good cause and for the welfare of humanity.
  24. Don’t be cruel to any Animal or human being.
  25. Grow your money. Everyone wants their money to grow but growing it ethically is most important than growing it by doing all bad things.
  26. Keep your mental diet good. What goes inside your mind then comes out of your mind when situation squeezes you.
  27. Eat healthily. You are what you eat.
  28. Dress decently. Dress yourself right and decent, according to the situation will have a good impression on others.
  29. Don’t open your mouth and speak-up if you don’t know the situation very well. But you can ask right questions to develop understanding of it.
  30. Give others a chance to justify which gives him opportunity to prove innocent in any conflict situation or misunderstanding.
  31. Don’t argue but debate.
  32. Keep your knowledge up to date.
  33. Walk your own good talk.
  34. Set a good example for your family, friends, and peers. 
  35. Be a good citizen. Obey all law and order of the country you live in.
  36. Be loyal. Maintaining the loyalty towards your family, jobs, and country is the prime responsibility. 
  37. Save money. Developing the practice of saving money earlier in the life will give a good return. You need to save for your good time and bad time as well.
  38. Don’t do anything too much. The obsession of anything is a root of a future problem.
  39. Don’t be greedy. The profound desire of too much money or greed of anything will make you blind from another good thing around it. Perhaps will sometimes create temptation of unethical desire to fulfill your greed. 
  40. Say “No” to dirty politics. Don’t be part of dirty politics and don’t do dirty politics.
  41. Be Helpful. Providing help of any kind and in any form is best the vibes you can create.
  42. Smile, please. Often times just simple smile can reduce tension in any relationship. The smile is the one of the best curve you have on your look.
  43. Be mindful of the natural ecosystem. Protecting natural resources are everyone’s job.
  44. Do the things with love. If you can’t do big and great things, do small things with good intentions and great love. What goes around comes around.
  45. Forgive. Believe it or not forgiving is the greater act of kindness. Forgive and then forget; both are needed in keeping the friendship/relationship going.
  46. Take your problems or failures as challenges. It will give you strength to keep you going.
  47. Keep doing something new. It will refresh you with new challenges and give you more energy. Believe in what you doing.
  48.  Don’t hurry. There are so many things in life you will not understand in first place until it happens to you, so keep that in mind before making your opinion too early in its premature condition.
  49. Learn to communicate. You can explain anything when you have a good communication skill to target your audience.
  50. In life, all the good and great things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by.

Expectations of parents

Expectations of parents:

In the era when each and every parent want their kids to become none other but medical Doctor or Engineer, so is our expectations are very high from our next generations. We all as a parent gets worried when our kids take their quizzes, exams, finals. Sometimes and often parents are more nervous than the child who is going to sit in the test and take the challenge. In the competitive time, it has become more challenging as parents to think about what will be the outcome of the test and we become more anxious.

Most of the time we don’t think beyond the result of exam or test. Here is why?

But among the students who are sitting there for exams,

  • There is a future Artist who don’t have to understand Math…
  • There is a future Fashion Designer who doesn’t have to score too high in Biology…
  • There is a future Entrepreneur who doesn’t care too much about History……
  • There is a future Musician who doesn’t have to worry about chemistry score….
  • There is an Athlete, who thinks his physical fitness is more important than the score of Physics…..

If your child gets a high score in all subject that’s great but if they are not performing excel in all subjects, that’s OK too.

But most importantly please don’t take away their passion, self-confidence, and dignity from them. Just think about your college/school life and you will find many are doing very well in real life than what they were scoring in exams during exams back then, isn’t it? It’s ok; there is bigger life ahead of them. Instead, tell them you love them and will not judge them by a just score of a test. Please do this and see the miracle and enjoy the difference. You will see them conquer the world and win your heart one day too. There are many other unforeseen reasons/situation and other influencing factors also play in your success and failures, ups and downs too. Nothing is permanent.

Priorities check:

Priorities check:

Most of us spend the majority of our time on urgent matters and less time on important things in everyday life.

People are always occupied and stay very busy because they mostly forget those important things which are ignored in the first place or given less attention, which then only becomes urgent later on. In reality, if you schedule your priorities in time then there are less urgent things to take care thereafter. 

In order to say “Yes” to your priorities, you must learn and willing to say “No” to something else. In other words, it is an issue of your “Wants” V/S “Priorities”. 

People who constantly keep checking on their priorities are the one can manage the time very well and live peacefully. At the end, we should remember that we need quality time to keep improving our family and our life. Your actions express your “Priorities”.



1.  Be silent – in the heat of anger.

2.  Be silent – when you don’t have all the facts.

3.  Be silent – when you haven’t verified the story.

4.   Be silent – if your words will offend a weaker Person.

5.  Be silent – when it is time to listen.

6.  Be silent – when you are tempted to make light of holy things.

7.  Be silent – when you are tempted to joke about sin.

8.  Be silent – if you would be ashamed of your word later.

9.  Be silent – if your words would convey the wrong impression.

10. Be silent – if the issue is none of your business.

11. Be silent – when you are tempted to tell an outright lie.

12. Be silent – if your words will damage someone else’s reputation.

13. Be silent – if your words will damage a friendship.

14. Be silent – when you are feeling critical.

15. Be silent – if you can’t  say it without screaming.

16. Be silent – if your words will be a poor reflection of your friends and family.

17. Be silent – if you may have to eat your words later.

18. Be silent – if you have already said it more than one time.

19. Be silent – when you are tempted to flatter a wicked person.

20. Be silent – when you are supposed to be working instead.


Think about these silently!!!

Faces of Poverty:

Faces of Poverty:

Poverty is not about just having enough money but it is beyond that.

Poverty has many faces, color and has been described in many ways in different situations. Most often, poverty is a painful situation each of us wants to escape. In real sense, the poverty is a call to serious action.

  • Poverty is hunger. 
  • Poverty is not having clothing to cover your body.
  • Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. 
  • Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time.
  • Poverty is a physical pain.
  • Poverty is emotional pain.
  • Poverty is financial insecurity.
  • Poverty is stressful in all aspect of life.

Being Human

We all were humans until,

  • Race disconnected us,
  • Religion separated us,
  • Nationality divided us,
  • Politics further divided us,


  • Wealth classified us.

Humanity should be our race

Love should be our religion.

God is within all of us, so 

A heart is our religious place.

It is our humanity which makes us spiritual and good Spirit which makes us human.

No religion is higher than humanity.



Scripted by Shiv Pandey

When looking at the current state/situation of this world, it looks like humanity is on a downward slope heading for a disastrous crisis. Soul of Humanity is hurt each and every time we see or experience in human radical incidents of a terrorist act or hate crime in any part of the world. This soul of Humanity, cry in tears for such ruthless cruelty. Such thing should be fought with one unified voice at every level of society with one united front against the radicalization of human society. 

Although it is not the only factor, but I do believe hate/terrorist/cruelty in modern society is destroying the soul of humanity. There is an obvious degradation or decline of mankind’s morals as can be seen everywhere around us today. Believe it or not, human values of tolerance, empathy, being human, being humane, compassion is on the verge of steep decline, isn’t it?

Modern society is filled with soul-crushing incidents at all level and it is infecting people’s minds with radicalization thought which then turn into an action of hate.

Perhaps, the reality is that humanity has reached a door of transformational opportunity. Hope it takes a genuine right turn towards the brighter side of Humanity, which is more kind and peaceful.

An Argument or Discussion

An Argument or Discussion, a choice is yours!

Having an argument in daily life is human nature. In any argument you may be disappointed at the end but not in the discussion. So prefer to have discussion, not an argument. 

A discussion is an exchange of knowledge with the cool open mind but in the argument, we exchange ego, ignorance with the hot close mind. An argument between two close friends doesn’t show a lack of respect or love. It is simply a disagreement to prove who is right. Sometimes in fact only reason, we get frustrated with people and argue with them is because we care about them, isn’t it! Which is why we need to remember not to get too carried away by that. 

Most arguments caused by a misunderstanding of proving that “I am Right” and always right attitude. 

But remember one thing, more and more arguments you win in daily life than less/fewer friends you have. At the same time, any relationship with no arguments is nothing but a relationship with lots of secrets. 

You can settle any argument if you know the following,,,,,,

ARGUMENT= finding out WHO is right,

DISCUSSION=finding out WHAT is right

Don’t raise your voice but improve your argument …..then it will turn into a cool debate. 

Scripted by Shiv Pandey

Emotional intelligence:

SENTIMENTAL (Emotional) intelligence:

Believe it or not, our IQ contributes only 20-25% to the life success. Interestingly rest of your achievement or success comes from “sentimental or emotional intelligence”. There are many examples, a person can be intellectually genius but emotionally inept, this disparity or an unbalance that can cause many problems in our everyday life. 

Some of the subcategories of emotional intelligence are, my favorite; managing emotions, self-motivation, empathy, self-awareness and handling relations.

Our human brain has many sections but two most important sections, the first section thinks and the second one that feels. Often both sections of the brain operate independently but in consensus. Most importantly, the emotional mind is hasty (impulsive) and powerful. But logical or sensible mind, on the other hand, allows person contemplate (ponder) and then reflect accordingly. Mostly both the sections of mind work in harmony, but intense feelings often allow the emotional mind to dominate the rational ( logical) section of mind. Emotional mind is quicker than that rational (logical) mind, it goes into action without pausing even for a second to consider what exactly it is doing. 

We all know strong emotions interfere with clear thinking and the “Anxiety” undermines the intellect.

A person who is able to find an intelligent balance of reasoning and emotions wins more and achieve more in all aspects (avenues) of life. 

Illusions of Money Power

Illusions of Money Power ??

It is good to have money and all the great things money can buy. Often we should remind ourselves to also check to see that you haven’t lost anything that money can’t buy. Similarly, if you want to feel wealthy then count the things you have that money can’t buy. 

  • Nice Bed but not sound sleep,
  • Expensive watch but not an extra moment for a life,
  • Luxury items but not a true comfort,
  • Cosmetic but not real Beauty,
  • Big house but not Home,
  • Good food but not good appetite,
  • Computer but not the smart brain. 
  • Medicine but not the sound health,
  • Buy votes but not real power of democracy,
  • Servant but not the real co-operation/help.
  • Money attract friends (mostly fake)but still cannot buy family you can count on. 
  • Acquaintances/association but not the real friends,
  • Education but not the knowledge,
  • Obedience but not the fidelity, 
  • Amusement but not the lasting happiness! 
  • Money can buy all material things but not the inner peace.
  • Money neither can make men, a father nor can make a woman, a mother.

Most interestingly,

Money attracts money but still cannot satisfy greed for money in some people. 

Scripted by Shiv Pandey ?

The strength in diversity

The strength of being diverse: 

Scripted By Shiv Pandey

An inclusion of Diversity in our thought, culture, people and work, brings great changes in processes and in the world around us.

Diversity is a mix of many things in real life. Inclusion is making the mix work. Strength lies in differences but may not be in similarities. It is not our differences which divide us. It is our own inability to recognize, accept and lack of mutual respect for those differences create the problem and hence create negative vibes. Remember, it is a two-way street. We all should reach that happy stage of daily living when both differences and diversity are not treated as a source of division and suspicion (mistrust) but as a source of strength and inspirations.

Mental Diets:

Mental Diets: 

Whatever you see and read then becomes your thought for that moment. Some of them will go in your brain and settle there and can impact your soul. Some can come out in the form of your action later on. Hence you should choose wisely what you see, watch and read in your daily life because it can impact your thought process and then can have a big effect on your karma later on.  In other words, what you see and read then it becomes your mental diet. You’re what you eat, similarly, you behave accordingly what you allow to go in your mind. In other words what goes inside your mind in your daily living, then comes out when situation squeeze you. When you’re under pressure and situation squeeze you and If hatred, anger, jealousy, fear and unethical thought come out that explains itself because that is what you allowed it go into your brain/mind in your daily living. You Enjoy good things when you replace this negativity with love and compassion and see the great results in all kind of life situations.

Mental diet is intangible but has great tangible effects. It can really Change your world.

We create our outside reality by everyday thought and beliefs process we experience inside all of us. Based on that, what we believe in the inner world, we then see accordingly in outer world around us.

What consumes your mind, controls your life. Remember, the negative mind will never give positive life!