The imperfectly perfect!

The imperfectly perfect!

The Perfection in imperfection……! 

The perfectionists are generally the people who refuse to accept just any standard but nothing short of perfection in everything they do or imagine. Whether it’s in the arts, research in science, or doing the business, extraordinary achievers rarely rely on their own expertise alone. They also devote and dedicate themselves fully–and even excessively/obsessively–to the quality. This kind of perfection attitude people are having is due to their fear of making mistakes and hence driven by fear of failures in daily living. This kind of attitude help and motivate these people to exceed and achieve the things many can’t. 

Very often we must have observed that the intense desire to be perfect entrap and hinders many people and imprisons them with implacable pressure/strains often creating mayhem in their relationships. This is a very interesting and curious thing, given that many people often believe seeking perfection is a good thing. Like many day-to-day operating assumptions and beliefs in our usual culture, when we take a close look, they may make little sense.

As human beings, we often chase hypothetical, imagined static states of perfection.  We do so when we are searching for the perfect house, job, friend, or lover. The problem, of course, is that perfection doesn’t exist in a static state.  Because life is a continual journey, constantly evolving and ever changing. What is here today is not exactly going to be the same tomorrow. That perfect house, job, friend, or lover will eventually fade to a state of imperfection anytime due to any unforeseen reasons.   Thus, the closest we can get to the perfection is the experience itself – the snapshot of a single moment held forever in our minds – never evolving, never growing.

In it’s the real truth, the idea or conviction of perfect or imperfect are simply our own imaginary construction of mind and have no actual basis other than thought which has created them.So rather than chasing an imaginary perfection, let’s  start chasing life by flipping past the imperfections found on the cover of every entity we encounter and into the blank pages of possibility waiting beneath the cover that will eventually tell the story of our lives.

Individuals in reality, who often seek perfection are more sensitive to the judgments of their surrounding by others. In fact, these judgments are most often imaginary. 

With a little patience and an open mind, over time, I bet that imperfect house evolves into a comfortable home.  That imperfect job evolves into a rewarding career.  That imperfect friend evolves into a steady shoulder to lean on.  And that imperfect lover evolves into a reliable lifelong companion.

We don’t often hear about psychological or emotional maturity. It includes our own awareness, self-discipline, duty, correlations, honesty, and integrity. Psychological or emotional maturity requires our own ability to willingly shift our perspective and to have an adaptive healthy self-esteem. These qualities can only be cultivated through our inner quest for self-knowledge.

We should have a right knowledge of developing from inside rather than developing or fixing ourselves from outside. Envision spending even a little bit of more time, self-energy and spending money on learning new good skills, gaining insights, strengthening and improving our own inner landscape. Just Imagine and think about how we’d deepen and expand our experience of life! Imagine if we cultivated a profound and a deep sense of our understanding and acceptance of ourselves and others just the way we are. If our efforts were focused more upon our reengineering of inner connection, we might be able to celebrate all aspects of our life….the inner and the real and the higher life.

Perfect people aren’t real and the real people aren’t perfect.

We are born to be real hence strive for continuous progress but not the Perfection. Striving for excellence motivates you but striving for perfection demoralize you. 

The perfection is an illusion!

2 Replies to “The imperfectly perfect!”

  1. It really helps us to understand that never try to become perfect which is not close to reality.

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