Who is your fallback!

Who is your fallback!

People help you the way they know to help you. 

To help you to come out of stress, one friend will ask you to drink and another will ask you to meditate. 

To overcome hurt, one friend will ask you to take revenge and get even, and another will ask you to forgive and get ahead with your life.

‘Who is your fallback’ makes all the difference. 

Duryodhana’s predicament, in his own words, was, “I know what is right but I am not able to indulge in it. I know what is wrong but I am not able to avoid it.” He needed a fallback. His fallback was his uncle Shakuni, and resultantly, Duryodhana moved from bad to worse. 

Arjuna’s predicament was different. He was allowing his personal emotions to dominate his sense of duty, and hence wanted to escape from the responsibilities he had towards upholding righteousness. He needed a fallback. His fallback was the Lord Krishna, and resultantly, Arjuna was restored to his greatness.

Influence of some friends will help bring good clarity and positive impact in your life. On the other end, influence of some friends can bring hate, revenge and downturn/decline in your life.

As a Human being we all tends to some point or the other, we all  need a fallback. ‘Who is your fallback’ makes all the difference.

Choose Well

Live well.



Scripted by Shiv Pandey

When looking at the current state/situation of this world, it looks like humanity is on a downward slope heading for a disastrous crisis. Soul of Humanity is hurt each and every time we see or experience in human radical incidents of a terrorist act or hate crime in any part of the world. This soul of Humanity, cry in tears for such ruthless cruelty. Such thing should be fought with one unified voice at every level of society with one united front against the radicalization of human society. 

Although it is not the only factor, but I do believe hate/terrorist/cruelty in modern society is destroying the soul of humanity. There is an obvious degradation or decline of mankind’s morals as can be seen everywhere around us today. Believe it or not, human values of tolerance, empathy, being human, being humane, compassion is on the verge of steep decline, isn’t it?

Modern society is filled with soul-crushing incidents at all level and it is infecting people’s minds with radicalization thought which then turn into an action of hate.

Perhaps, the reality is that humanity has reached a door of transformational opportunity. Hope it takes a genuine right turn towards the brighter side of Humanity, which is more kind and peaceful.

Spiritual False EGO

Spiritual False EGO:

It is better to live humble spiritual life with kindness towards humanity. When we think spirituality, we think of godly elements, forgiveness, and a humble lifestyle, isn’t it?

A spiritual ego is the worst of kind of ego someone can have because you don’t notice it brewing until it erupts from within you like a volcano. For most spiritual people, it starts to build up after they’ve read too many spiritual books and attended dozens of wellness lectures. 

SPIRITUAL EGO = ELIMINATING GOD OUT. The moment someone divorced from the divine, he/she marry the  EGO. These days, in some religion, so-called spiritual masters must give up the desire to become the next Messiah. A guru is the one who deflates person’s ego yet remains the best friends and keep our minds in check because it only takes a slight shift to turn monkey mind into a monk mind. 

Spiritual Ego’s are the most dangerous cause they will lead you down the incorrect path. Hence practicing the spirituality in daily life is good but we must keep checking our minds for that true spirit and honest feelings.

An Argument or Discussion

An Argument or Discussion, a choice is yours!

Having an argument in daily life is human nature. In any argument you may be disappointed at the end but not in the discussion. So prefer to have discussion, not an argument. 

A discussion is an exchange of knowledge with the cool open mind but in the argument, we exchange ego, ignorance with the hot close mind. An argument between two close friends doesn’t show a lack of respect or love. It is simply a disagreement to prove who is right. Sometimes in fact only reason, we get frustrated with people and argue with them is because we care about them, isn’t it! Which is why we need to remember not to get too carried away by that. 

Most arguments caused by a misunderstanding of proving that “I am Right” and always right attitude. 

But remember one thing, more and more arguments you win in daily life than less/fewer friends you have. At the same time, any relationship with no arguments is nothing but a relationship with lots of secrets. 

You can settle any argument if you know the following,,,,,,

ARGUMENT= finding out WHO is right,

DISCUSSION=finding out WHAT is right

Don’t raise your voice but improve your argument …..then it will turn into a cool debate. 

Scripted by Shiv Pandey

Emotional intelligence:

SENTIMENTAL (Emotional) intelligence:

Believe it or not, our IQ contributes only 20-25% to the life success. Interestingly rest of your achievement or success comes from “sentimental or emotional intelligence”. There are many examples, a person can be intellectually genius but emotionally inept, this disparity or an unbalance that can cause many problems in our everyday life. 

Some of the subcategories of emotional intelligence are, my favorite; managing emotions, self-motivation, empathy, self-awareness and handling relations.

Our human brain has many sections but two most important sections, the first section thinks and the second one that feels. Often both sections of the brain operate independently but in consensus. Most importantly, the emotional mind is hasty (impulsive) and powerful. But logical or sensible mind, on the other hand, allows person contemplate (ponder) and then reflect accordingly. Mostly both the sections of mind work in harmony, but intense feelings often allow the emotional mind to dominate the rational ( logical) section of mind. Emotional mind is quicker than that rational (logical) mind, it goes into action without pausing even for a second to consider what exactly it is doing. 

We all know strong emotions interfere with clear thinking and the “Anxiety” undermines the intellect.

A person who is able to find an intelligent balance of reasoning and emotions wins more and achieve more in all aspects (avenues) of life. 

Illusions of Money Power

Illusions of Money Power ??

It is good to have money and all the great things money can buy. Often we should remind ourselves to also check to see that you haven’t lost anything that money can’t buy. Similarly, if you want to feel wealthy then count the things you have that money can’t buy. 

  • Nice Bed but not sound sleep,
  • Expensive watch but not an extra moment for a life,
  • Luxury items but not a true comfort,
  • Cosmetic but not real Beauty,
  • Big house but not Home,
  • Good food but not good appetite,
  • Computer but not the smart brain. 
  • Medicine but not the sound health,
  • Buy votes but not real power of democracy,
  • Servant but not the real co-operation/help.
  • Money attract friends (mostly fake)but still cannot buy family you can count on. 
  • Acquaintances/association but not the real friends,
  • Education but not the knowledge,
  • Obedience but not the fidelity, 
  • Amusement but not the lasting happiness! 
  • Money can buy all material things but not the inner peace.
  • Money neither can make men, a father nor can make a woman, a mother.

Most interestingly,

Money attracts money but still cannot satisfy greed for money in some people. 

Scripted by Shiv Pandey ?

The strength in diversity

The strength of being diverse: 

Scripted By Shiv Pandey

An inclusion of Diversity in our thought, culture, people and work, brings great changes in processes and in the world around us.

Diversity is a mix of many things in real life. Inclusion is making the mix work. Strength lies in differences but may not be in similarities. It is not our differences which divide us. It is our own inability to recognize, accept and lack of mutual respect for those differences create the problem and hence create negative vibes. Remember, it is a two-way street. We all should reach that happy stage of daily living when both differences and diversity are not treated as a source of division and suspicion (mistrust) but as a source of strength and inspirations.

The depth of Patience:

The depth of Patience:

Without enough patience,

  • You will learn less in life.
  • You will see less.
  • You will feel less.
  • You will hear less.
  • You will achieve less.
  • You will progress less.

Patience defines your attitude.

Patience is the true Art of Hope. 

Have patience with all but first of all with yourself.

Mental Diets:

Mental Diets: 

Whatever you see and read then becomes your thought for that moment. Some of them will go in your brain and settle there and can impact your soul. Some can come out in the form of your action later on. Hence you should choose wisely what you see, watch and read in your daily life because it can impact your thought process and then can have a big effect on your karma later on.  In other words, what you see and read then it becomes your mental diet. You’re what you eat, similarly, you behave accordingly what you allow to go in your mind. In other words what goes inside your mind in your daily living, then comes out when situation squeeze you. When you’re under pressure and situation squeeze you and If hatred, anger, jealousy, fear and unethical thought come out that explains itself because that is what you allowed it go into your brain/mind in your daily living. You Enjoy good things when you replace this negativity with love and compassion and see the great results in all kind of life situations.

Mental diet is intangible but has great tangible effects. It can really Change your world.

We create our outside reality by everyday thought and beliefs process we experience inside all of us. Based on that, what we believe in the inner world, we then see accordingly in outer world around us.

What consumes your mind, controls your life. Remember, the negative mind will never give positive life!

Effect of Spirituality in life

Spirituality & Quality of life:

Practicing spirituality and profound faith in the “The God” we believe in, can improve our ability to cope with daily stress, which in turn can bring happiness and general well-being.

In fact, psychologists too believe and support that spirituality can help big way in managing the stress and general happiness.

  • I think, Spirituality in its real form, is the search for a higher, existential power, while faith on other end is the belief that such a thing really exists. Practices in both spirituality and faith can lead to greater skills for coping with real life stress.
  • Believe it or not, people who practice and embrace both spirituality and faith in their daily living, are able to validate their own existences, can cultivate coping abilities, see stress as short-term and external, and can generate social support for the stress management.
  • All types of spiritual and faithful practices, including the meditation, contemplation, and prayer, allow for increases in our ability for stress management skills.

Some spiritual practices reduce stress, while others have healing or restorative powers. 

Many research has proven that religious people are generally happier than others, but the real truth is, not one particular religion or religious practice has been found to have a real monopoly on this fact (phenomenon).

Data doesn’t speak for itself:

Data doesn’t speak for itself:

Data, if it remains by itself, is useless. But if it is presented right, if you’re willing to listen, same Data will talk to you. Success comes to those who back up their strong case by showing the data behind the case. You don’t win the position just by saying. Right Data give us a clear and convincing voice. 

Data makes the picture more clear, it will force us to notice the things we never expected to see, to begin with. Data can have hidden patterns, many answers, can lead to better decisions, can improve efficiency, can save lives–data can do miracles.

Bits and bytes are just data, then it becomes information when they are arranged. Same information becomes useful knowledge when you systematically organize it. Our wisdom is transcending them.  

Data beats when you put life into, it will express the emotion!